FOH Team

Each May at a General Membership Meeting, the Nominating Committee presents a slate of officers to be elected. That group of officers is referred to as the FOH Board. In addition to board members, committee chairs are also discussed and selected as necessary. Learn more about FOH Board roles and our FOH committees.

Interested in becoming a board member for the 2025-26 school year? Contact us!

2024-25 FOH Board:

Co-Presidents - Molly Judge (year 2) & Heather Koelsch (year 1)

Vice President - Vanessa Payne

Co-Treasurers - George Dugdale (year 2) and Dana Troy (year 1)

Co-Secretaries - Sayuko Setvik (year 2) and Jessica Burke-Lazarus (year 1)

Advocacy Lead - Jonah Histler

After School Enrichment Lead - Dawn Bushnaq

Communications Chair - Brooks Thompson

List of prior FOH Board Members

FOH Info

Friends of Hawthorne (FOH) PTA is a group of parents, caregivers, teachers, and community members who work together to support and bring resources to the Hawthorne Elementary Community in Seattle. We focus on increasing volunteerism, fostering participation in community-building events, and raising funds for the school.

Our values include supporting our children, our school, and working for a great education for all students through teamwork, strong leadership and action, building an inclusive community, celebrating our diversity.

FOH is an active chapter of the Washington State PTA and is a member of the Seattle Council PTSA. We are incorporated in the State of Washington and registered as a charitable organization. View our Washington state required annual reports here.

We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Click here to view the IRS 501(c)(3) ruling and our Tax ID. Friends of Hawthorne falls under purview of Washington State nonprofit laws. Our standing rules are amended as necessary and approved annually by our full membership.