FOH Budget Process & Reimbursement

Current Year Budget, Reimbursement, and Funding Requests

View Friends of Hawthorne 2023-2024 Budget

Submit an Invoice Payment or Reimbursement Request
Note: you may submit multiple expenses or combine receipts on one form

Do you have a funding request for this school year? Every December, Friends of Hawthorne will consider spending funds to address new and emerging needs that aren't in this year’s budget. See the Process for Requesting Funds from Friends of Hawthorne for important details.

Next School Year Budget Planning

Every spring, the Budget Committee assembles a proposed budget for the following school year. The Committee provides a Budget Request Form (or download and print one here) to school staff, parents, and partners who have been funded by FOH in the past.

If you are the leader of a program or activity that was or will be funded by FOH, please complete the above form or email a copy to or deliver a printed copy to the FOH mailbox.

The budget committee will assemble the requests, estimate our available funds for next year, and bring this information to the April FOH Board Meeting for discussion. We anticipate leaving this meeting with clarification questions for applicants and affected stakeholders.

FOH is scheduled to formally vote on the budget at our General Meeting in May.